
UMR754 IVPC "Viral Infections and Comparative Pathology"


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 The "Viral Infections and Comparative Pathology" lab is a joined research unit from INRAE (Animal Health Division), Lyon 1 university and EPHE. Several collaborators from INSERMveterinary school and the Lyon hospital are part of our unit, allowing us to develop fundamental research projects as well as projects based on the clinic. Located on the university campus of Gerland, an environment rich in academic and private partners in the field of human and animal health, especially infectiology (CIRI, IBCP, BioAster, Lyonbiopole, Sanofi, Boehringer-Merial ....) ; our research unit is one of the contributors of the "SFR Bioscience", a service unit that provides a shared pool of resources and technical core facilities (confined laboratories, animal facilities, imaging platform…). Our goals are to better prevent, detect and fight against endemic or emerging animal diseases.


17 April 2024

Redaction: PYL

The iWays team has been awarded the FRM label

The iWays team has been awarded a FRM Team 2024 grant for its project entitled "Rift Valley fever virus and its protein NSs as a novel model for studying amyloid aggregation", scheduled to last 3 years.

11 March 2024

Redaction: JT

IVPC seminar– Yannick Simonin

Yannick Simonin Université de Montpellier, Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic and Emerging Infections (PCCEI) présentera le Jeudi 14 Mars 2024 le "Programme ArboSud: une approche holistique de suivi des arbovirus" (Séminaire en français)
The lab of Ralf Bartenschlager in collaboration with the iWays team has identified cholesterol-binding motifs in the Zika virus prM protein essential for virus entry and assembly
Maëva Duboeuf (iWAYS team) and Marie Verneret (PR2T team) took part in the Science Festival in mid-October to raise children's awareness of the scientific process through various workshops. An online MOOC will be available for free in November to train and encourage primary school teachers to use this approach with their pupils.
Seminar of Lesley Bell-Sakyi, University of Liverpool, UK "The Tick Cell Biobank: tick and insect cell lines for vector-pathogen research"