Seminar from Pr Yorifumi Satou

Invited seminar from Pr Yorifumi Satou – Kumamoto University (Japan) – on Monday 12th of September 2022 entitled «Single-cell analysis to elucidate mechanisms underlying oncogenesis caused by HTLV-1»

Pr Yorifumi Satou will present his work on " Single-cell analysis to elucidate mechanisms underlying oncogenesis caused by HTLV-1”, Monday 12th of September 2022, at 2.30pm, salle des thèses Chantal Rabourdin-Combe, ENS de Lyon

Host: Caroline Leroux & Jocelyn Turpin (PR2T-IVPC) ; Chloé Journo & Hélène Dutartre (OR-CIRI)

 Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) mainly infects CD4+ T-cells and induces chronic, persistent infection in infected individuals with some progressing to develop adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL). HTLV-1 alters cellular differentiation, activation, and survival but it is unknown if this contributes to malignant transformation. In this study, we used single-cell RNA-sequencing and TCR-sequencing to investigate T-cell differentiation and HTLV-1-mediated transformation processes. We analyzed 87,742 single cells from peripheral blood of 12 infected and 3 uninfected individuals. Trajectory analysis successfully captured physiological T-cell activation dynamics as well as ATL progression as a continuous process. Naive T-cells dynamically change into activated T-cells including infected cells, which seamlessly transitioned into ATL cells characterized by clonally expanded, highly-activated T-cells. In conclusion, our study revealed the mechanisms of HTLV-1-mediated transformation in vivo at the single-cell level. 

Learn more: HTLV-1 infection promotes excessive T cell activation and transformation into adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma. J Clin Invest. 2021;131(24):e150472

Yorifumi Satou is a professor at the Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection, Kumamoto and Kagoshima Universities University. He is at the head of the Division of Genomics and Transcriptomics. His research team focuses on the persistence, latency, and pathogenesis of retroviral infection (HTLV and HIV). 

Pr Satou's visit is supported by the PROGRAMME EXPLORATION FRANCE from the Embassy of France in Japan.

Modification date : 26 April 2023 | Publication date : 29 August 2022 | Redactor : JT